you have a bucket list of places you want to travel to? You will not hesitate to add the Bahamas to your list of places
you want to travel after learning all about the islands. For my eighteenth birthday I was gifted a week-long trip to
the Bahamas. My first thought was, “It is just another beach, how much better
can it really be?” Then I had the chance to see the magnificent
beaches and interact with the overly friendly people, I was so excited to learn
about the culture and life of the citizens of the Bahamas. (hook) The drivers drive on the "wrong" side of the road and are very aggressive. As you walk the streets and meet Bahamians you will hear many people saying, "God bless you. Welcome to our island. I will pray for you." Can you imagine walking down a street and only hearing positive words? It makes you wonder why the culture in another country is so immaculate and where the culture in America went wrong to have so much negativity and hatred. Culture can affect
different people in different ways. The textbook definition of culture is, “the customs, arts, social
institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social
group.” ( After taking the time to read all of the information I
have accumulated, I hope you are able to see just how important Culture and
traditions are to the citizens of the Bahamas. Some of the most influential
traditions are their heritage, the way their music influences their people, and
religion. (Thesis) Given this information, read on to see for yourself some
the most intriguing and shocking facts about one of the most fascinating places
in the world, the Islands of the Bahamas. (bridge)